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Overriding the Hard-Coded Location of Web Transfer Client Files



  • EFT Server version 4.x-6.2
This article is about overriding the hard-coded location of Web Transfer Client files; for example, if you created a custom WTC file, you would point the registry to the new file.

This registry key may not function properly in Firefox, but is known to work in Internet Explorer.

For details of customizing / rebranding / editing WTC files, for example, if you want to edit the text that appears after a user has logged out of the Web Transfer Client, refer to KB article #10470.


You can override the hard-coded location of the Web Transfer Client (WTC) files by setting registry values to indicate the new location of the files you would like to use.

You can add each of the keys you need to a reg file in the following format:

32-bit OS:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




64-bit OS:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\EFTClient]



(Note: Edit the PATH to the location of the target EFTClient directory.)

The registry key name (e.g., http-applet:/EFTClient/EFTWebClient.htm) indicates the relative path and source file you want to map. The value of that key indicates the absolute path and target file (e.g., C:\\Program Files\\GlobalSCAPE\\EFT Server Enterprise\\web\\public\\EFTClient\\EFTWebClient.htm -- this is simply an example; your path will differ depending on where you installed EFT Server and the version of EFT Server/EFT Server Enterprise that is installed).

You can map to a new location for the following files:

eftwebclient.htm Used for a custom Web Transfer Client page
EFTStyles.css Style sheet that controls the appearance of the Web Transfer Client
NoAppletLicenses.htmMessage displayed when no Web Transfer Client licenses are available.

You must restart the EFT Server service for the new paths to take effect.

Overriding the Manage Account Page when the WTC is not enabled

With the following key, you can override the Manage Account page when the WTC is not enabled:

32-bit OS:



"http:/ManageAccount"="C:\\Program Files\\GlobalSCAPE\\EFT Server Enterprise\\web\\public\\EFTClient\\ManageAccountCustom.htm"

64-bit OS:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\EFTClient]


"http:/ManageAccount"="C:\\Program Files\\GlobalSCAPE\\EFT Server Enterprise\\web\\public\\EFTClient\\ManageAccountCustom.htm"

(Note: Edit the PATH to the location of the target EFTClient directory.)

You must restart the EFT Server service for the new paths to take effect.

EFT Server uses different contexts depending on whether the WTC is ON or OFF. Setting up the same functionality for WTC-less mode requires that you change:




Below are some less commonly used Web Transfer Client Registry Overrides (usually only added with assistance from GlobalSCAPE Customer Support.)

http-applet:/eftclientMaps the entire "/EFTClient" URL to a physical path. Useful in internal debugging / testing scenarios.
http-applet:/favicon.icoDesignate a physical path to a "favorite icon" that browsers use in the address bar and in bookmarks to represent the site.
http-applet:/eftclient/META-INF/services/org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactoryInternal applet file.
http-applet:/org/apache/log4j/Logger.classInternal applet file.
http-applet:/javazoom/transfer/client/util/resources.classInternal applet file.
http-applet:/javazoom/transfer/client/util/resources_en.classInternal applet file.
http-applet:/javazoom/transfer/client/util/resources_en_US.classInternal applet file.
http-applet:/javazoom/transfer/client/util/resources_en_US.propertiesInternal applet file.
http-applet:/eftclient/commons-logging.propertiesPoints to a configuration file that can enable extended Applet debugging in the Java console.
http-applet:/javazoom/transfer/client/utilInternal applet file.
http-applet:/org/apacheInternal applet file.
http-applet:/ManageAccountPoints to an HTML page that is served in response to a password change request / force password change. The HTML can be edited for custom look-and-feel.
You must restart the EFT Server service for the new paths to take effect.

For details of customizing / rebranding the WTC, refer to KB article #10470.

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