- CuteFTP 8 Home versions 8.0.0 thru 8.0.4
When attempting a transfer, the following error is encountered:
ERROR:> Child transfer failed.
This error may also occur when navigating a remote FTP site and entering a folder that contains a Table of Contents (TOC) file (such as index.txt), in which case CuteFTP Home goes offline and becomes unresponsive. Under those circumstances, see KBase Article ID 10308.
CuteFTP 8 Home has a new feature named Turbo Mode which automatically uses compression and multi-part transfers for the fastest possible throughput.
This error has been found to occur only in circumstances in which either the transfer or the remote folder contains one or more files named *index*, which may be mis-interpreted as being a Table of Contents (TOC) file. CuteFTP may improperly attempt to use Turbo mode when loading or transferring the apparent TOC file, causing the behavior described above.
The preferred solution is to update CuteFTP to version 8.0.5 or greater. You can download the most recent release version of CuteFTP from the Replacement Software Download Page.
Alternatively, turn off Turbo Mode for connections to this remote server.
To turn off Turbo Mode:
- On the Tools menu click Global Options and then click Transfer.
- Clear the Turbo Mode check box and then click OK.
- Restart CuteFTP and then retry the transfer. (Important: The change will not be effective until CuteFTP is restarted.)
Note: If the solution provided above does not resolve this problem then it is possible that the transfer send and receive buffer size may be set too high. See the resolution provided in KB Article ID 10293 for further instructions.