- EFT, v7.0 and later
EFT Enterprise version when running on HA mode (Active-Active) provides a mechanism for Backing up its configuration, however does not provide a point-and-click restore process. (This is "as designed" in this version.) There could be some situations that you might want to mirror from one EFT cluster to another, for example onto a DR site.
Professional Services EFTUtils.exe (a.k.a EFT migration tool) can provide a mechanism to sync or import/export specifics parts of the configuration via COM API and can be run on a schedule. However this article provides an alternative process that can be performed manually.
- Primary EFT Enterprise running on HA (Active-Active)
- Destination EFT Enterprise running on HA (Active-Active)
You must have the two clusters already installed and configured. Please refer to http://kb.globalscape.com/KnowledgebaseArticle11146.aspx on how to install/upgrade EFT in a cluster
Here is the process:
- Stop all EFT nodes in your DR cluster.
- Make a backup of your current Share and all node’s local EFT Configuration paths on your DR cluster. You can copy the entire directory to another destination using Windows File Explorer.
- Remove all files/directories from EFT configuration paths for your shared and local node’s paths for your DR cluster.
- Copy all files and subfolders from the EFT configuration shared path of your source cluster (e.g. Production cluster) into your EFTDR shared configuration path.
- Copy the EFT DR shared configuration path into each local EFT configuration path for each node.
- Start one EFT Enterprise service in on DR node.
- Connect to EFT Service using the EFT administration interface and stop all EFT sites.
- Start the remaining EFT Enterprise windows services for the rest of the DR nodes.
- Change the logging setting to point to the new location and change ARM Settings to point to the appropriated Database server id ARM is using.
- Change the DMZ Gateway settings to connect to the correct DMZ server if DMZ is used.
- Logout from EFT administration interface
- Connect EFT using the EFT administration interface to the second node to change DMZ settings. Remember these settings are node specific and are stored in the node’s registry.
- Logout from EFT administration interface.
- Repeat #12 for each remaining node in the cluster. And remember that you have to log out from the EFT administration interface on each node before connecting to the next node.
This document describes a generic process for a particular needs and it is provided “as is”; there is no warranty and there is no support associated with this. This also doesn’t guarantee that it will work or you won’t have any problems. Remember that each environment is different and unique. This article only describes a process that has been done and has been working in general for other customers. It is advised that you test this process first and make sure this meets your needs.
If you have any questions, please contact our tech support team or our Professional Services team.