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Changing the Root Folder of EFT Server while Retaining Permissions



  • EFT Server 6.x and later

**This topic is for advanced users. If you are unfamiliar withrunning Windows scripts, seek help from your network administrator or contactGlobalSCAPE support.**


Copying or migrating EFT Server configuration might benecessary for several reasons, such as:

  • Moving a Proof of Concept (PoC) in your staging environment without recreating all the settings and configuration data
  • Creating a standard configuration for installation on multiple computers
  • Updating EFT Server software with a fresh install rather than patching

The help topic "Copyingan EFT Server Configuration to Several Computers" provides the steps to takebefore moving EFT Server to another location.

If EFT Server's physical file system has been moved, you need to update EFTServer configuration to point to the new location. In the EFT Serveradministration interface, you specify the path to the Site's root folder;however, pointing to the new root folder causes EFT Server to lose thepermissions assigned to EFT Server’s Virtual File System (VFS).

To retain all relevant folder permissions and virtual folders, download and extract the attached scripts (scroll to the bottom of the article) and use the scripts to copy the VFS permissions to the new root folder structure as described below.

  • For versions prior to 6.3.8, use Pre64VFS-MigrationScript.zip
  • For versions 6.3.8 to 6.3.16, and all versions of 6.4, use 64VFSMigrationScripts.zip
  • For version 6.5 and later, use 65VFSMigrationScripts.zip

To move the Site root folder in EFT Server

  1. Backup the following files in the EFT Server installation directory:
    • FTP.cfg
    • [YourSite].aud
    • All .bak and .update files
    • All certificates/keys/PGPkeys
  2. STOP the corresponding Site so that user activity (such as folder creation) does not interfere with the migration process.

    NOTE: If you are running EFT Server on Server 2008 R2 (or any compatible 64-bit OS), you MUST use the 32-bit CSCRIPT.exe found in the C:\Windows\SYSWOW64 folder.

    Required Arguments:

    -s EFT Server
    -portadmin port on EFT Server
    -uadmin username for EFT Server
    -padmin password
    -sitethe Site name on the server you are manipulating; You can use 0 if there is only one Site
    -fpath of text file to store/read data
  3. Do one of the following, depending on your version of EFT Server:
  • In versions 6.3.8 and later, export Virtual Folders and Permissions:
    1. Export folder permissions for all physical and virtual folders to a file named Permissions.txt by using the attached script 1ExportPermissions.vbs:

      cscript.exe 1ExportPermissions.vbs -s localhost -port 1100 -u admin -p secret -site 0 -f permissions.txt

    2. If you have Virtual Folders, you must export the Virtual folder references to a file named vFolders.txt using the attached script 2ExportVirtualFolders.vbs:

      cscript.exe 2ExportVirtualFolders.vbs -s localhost -port 1100 -u admin -p secret -site 0 -f vFolders.txt

  • In versions prior to 6.3, export the permission configuration for the EFT Server Virtual File System (VFS) using the eftVFSExport.vbs script:
  • cscript.exe eftVFSExport.vbs -s localhost -port 1100 -u admin -p secret -site 0 -f output.txt

  • Copy the current Site root folder to the new location. It is important that you copy and do NOT move the file system.
  • Change the Site root folder to the new location:
    1. In the administration interface, expand the Server node, then click the Site node.

    2. On the General tab, in the Site root folder box, specify the new path, then click Apply.

  • Do one of the following, depending on your version of EFT Server:
    • In versions 6.3.8 and later, import folders, permissions, and Virtual Folders:
      1. If you exported Virtual Folders, you must import them first by using the attached script 3ImportVirtualFolders.vbs:

        cscript.exe 3ImportVirtualFolders.vbs -s localhost -port 1100 -u admin -p secret -site 0 -f vFolders.txt

      2. Import folder permissions for all physical and virtual folders by using attached script 4ImportPermissions.vbs:

        cscript.exe 4ImportPermissions.vbs -s localhost -port 1100 -u admin -p secret -site 0 -f permissions.txt

    • In versions prior to 6.3, restore folder permissions using the attached script eftVFSImport.vbs:
    • cscript.exe eftVFSImport.vbs -s localhost -port 1100 -u admin -p secret -site 0 -f output.txt

  • Verify that permissions have been restored and all virtual folders exist.
  • Review and update Event Rules to point to the new path, if necessary.
  • Start the sites to resume user activity.
  • Delete the previous root location, if necessary.

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